More email is now opened on a mobile device than on a desktop, So emails mobile friendly is increased with 55 percent of emails being opened on a mobile device. As the number of desktop users continues to fall, being able to create marketing campaigns that display and function well on mobile devices is becoming increasingly important. Increased engagement and customer acquisition will be among any marketer’s overarching goals. What is the key? Email marketing that is mobile‐friendly.

Pay attention to the text in your pre‐header

When it comes to email marketing best practices, the emphasis is typically on subject lines ‐ how to make them short and brief (yet captivating and informative) and why you should split test to determine what engages your audience the most. Meanwhile, pre‐header material is frequently disregarded, despite its importance! The initial line of your email text that is seen as a preview in a user’s email client is known as a ‘Johnson Box.’ It’s a great addition to the subject line because it adds vital extra characters that you may utilize to get your recipients to click.

Because the length of pre‐header text changes depending on the email client and device, it’s crucial to make it brief, punchy, and easy to read. You can split test pre‐header content in the same way you can split test subject lines, and adjust it to different target audience segments, preferences, and email clients and devices they use. This information will be provided by your Email Service Provider’s native analytics platform.

You can use a few different ways to maximize the impact of your pre‐header text. One option is to combine the subject line and pre‐header text into a single message. This means you’ll have more room to put your messaging into perspective, or you’ll be able to include extra information like pricing points and percentage discounts.

Emails Mobile Friendly Personalization is crucial to the success of email marketing, and marketers are encouraged to use it in their message and, in certain cases, their subject lines to boost conversion. But what about the text that appears before the header? If you customize your pre‐header message to provide a more personal touch, you may have a better chance of increasing click‐throughs.

Use buttons to their full potential

The principle of using brief, motivating Calls‐To‐Action is familiar to most marketers. Because text‐heavy emails don’t perform well on mobile, it’s best to include CTAs as high up in the copy as possible and restrict the amount of copy used in mobile‐friendly marketing emails. It’s also a good idea to use buttons rather than links. This is partly owing to the fact that, like excessive volumes of text, hyperlinks do not take advantage of an email’s mobile‐responsive design. When utilizing a mobile device, buttons are more distinct and easier to click on. Allowing enough white space around the button (whenever possible) can improve mobile UX even more.

You may improve the effectiveness of your button CTAs by minimizing the number of words used and incorporating action verbs that inspire people to click. Users are guided in the proper way by phrases like ‘download now,’ ‘find out more, “shop the collection,’ or ‘receive exclusive access,’ which provide information about where their next action will take them, nurturing them down the path to purchase without being too authoritarian. Using terms like ‘today’ and ‘now’ will help to generate a sense of urgency by implying that your product or service is only available for a short time.

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